It's Like if Puppies and Kittens Could Have Babies!

Settling In

So yes, the relocation from aging Livejournal to shiny WordPress has been made, with all previous LJ writings fully intact.  WordPress is just that bitchin’.  The best part is that there’s all sorts of really cumbersome software online to do this, and LJ itself is no help.  LJ lets you export your journal one month at a time to .xml files, and then there’s various online converters to merge those files and convert them over to whatever format your new blog uses.  Oh, and you don’t get to keep your comments.  WordPress instead offers the competitive option of ‘Push one button and it does everything, you just walk away and it does everything, and you get comments too.’

I don’t really know if I have a ‘readership’ or not (my guess is ‘not,’) but in case I do, I feel like I should say that I don’t tend to blog with a singular purpose – blogs seem to have mutated since I started writing on them.  Facebook and Twitter seem to have taken over day-to-day updating, whereas blogs tend to be more professional or topic-based.  I feel like since I’m making a WordPress blog it should be called something like ‘Tip of the Tongue – the Ramblings of a Linguistics PhD student,’ and that I should just be talking about interesting findings in linguistics or happenings in the department.  And then if I made such a blog and made a post about ‘Me and Troy got so wasted last night!!!!’ that I’d be violating some sort of internet code of ethics that would be punished severely by Cory Doctorow.

Instead I will risk his wrath and continue writing about whatever, keeping a sort of hybrid life chronicle/writing practice environment going.  I don’t want to limit my life chronicling to 160 character status updates, and although I do like to write essays and pontificate, there’s more than enough places that do that full time.

If you’re a new reader and deciding whether this thing is worth any of your time, below are some examples of some previous posts:

Mass Effect and Science Fiction – How the game Mass Effect serves as a barometer for the current state of sci-fi
My Irrevocable Damnation
– a completely factual and non-embellished tale of true-life horror
Confluence – an essay suggesting that anime got a foothold in the US due to the weakening influence of musical theatre
Story – a short piece I was working on for a contest

July 6, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | 4 Comments