It's Like if Puppies and Kittens Could Have Babies!


So I’m trying out Netflix, and so far they seem to have everything completely backward.  The way it’s currently billed is

“You get movies in the mail!  The more you pay, the more movies you can get sent to you in the mail!  …oh yeah, and you can stream stuff, I guess.”

when they should bill it as

“You can watch what you want to RIGHT NOW, and there’s stuff in HD!  You can still get the streaming even with the cheapest unlimited plan!  …oh yeah, and you can get shit in the mail, I guess.”

Unfortunately, they’re still operating under the assumption that the Getting Shit in the Mail is the most desirable thing, and so most of the streaming is still pretty limited.  Under TV there’s a few current programs on each network, and a bunch of really old crap.  Same with movies.  ‘Bout the only streamable HD movie is Terminator 2, which is sad because the quality is really pretty good.  Of course, it may actually be the movie studios that are scared of streaming, which wouldn’t surprise me at all.

So far there seems to be enough content available to warrant the service, but I’m assuming they’ll start adding more streamable stuff as time goes by.  Without that it would seem considerably less interesting.

July 14, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment